The experiment results indicated the possible mechanism of MgO as the neutralizing agent: the local acidity was buffered as the MgO reacted with the acidic degradation products thereby inhibiting the degradation of PGF from being intensified in an acidic environment. While the degradation of PGF/PLA composite induced considerable acidity in degradation media and intensified the degradation of PGF in return, the degradation media of (MgO + PGF)/PLA maintained a neutral pH close to a physiological environment. The addition of PGF enhanced compressive properties of scaffolds, and the resultant scaffolds were comparably strong and stiff with human trabecular bone.

Porous network-phase gyroid scaffolds were additive-manufactured using four different materials: PLA, MgO/PLA, PGF/PLA, and (MgO + PGF)/PLA. In this work, MgO was investigated as a neutralizing agent. Nevertheless, glass degradation tends to acidify the surrounding aqueous environment, which may adversely affect the viability and bone-forming activities of osteoblasts. Composites of biodegradable phosphate glass fiber and polylactic acid (PGF/PLA) show potential for bone tissue engineering scaffolds, due to their ability to release Ca, P, and Mg during degradation, thus promoting the bone repair.